I have been slightly hesitant to check the press for Dean news lately, for two main reasons: 1) this is the time when the frontrunner is hardest hit, and 2) Dean is said frontrunner.
Fortunately for me, in my first tentative steps of connecting with the media again today, I found this encouraging article on Alternet:
Never give up, never surrender.
Fortunately for me, in my first tentative steps of connecting with the media again today, I found this encouraging article on Alternet:
The Democratic candidates, the media and perhaps the Bush people seem to be ignoring what seems inarguable: Dean has been the candidate of change from the onset, and their attacks add emphasis to that status. He staked out clear positions where the voters were most angry: the rush to war, a tin-eared imperial presidency, a faltering economy, corrupt cronyism and an overall feeling of powerlessness. He stood up for something. In a climate of powerful models of voter frustration — most notably Arnold Schwarzenegger's election as governor of California — Dean captured the mantle of change, and he's just tightened his grip since then.
Never give up, never surrender.
End of 2003
Well, we're almost in the New Year. Both llamasonic and I have been out doing the whole holiday thing, so many apologies for not posting lately. I did want to wish everyone a wonderful close to your year, and don't forget to contribute to the 4th quarter bat on the Dean blog.
Dean on Dean Foreign Policy
In case you missed it, Dean wrote an excellent response to a Washington Post editorial in -- where else? -- the Washington Post:
From its derisive treatment of allies to its rejection of important global agreements, this administration has favored a go-it-alone approach and a determination to use force as its weapon of first resort. Its approach has alienated friends and bolstered foes. Its agenda isolates the United States, placing responsibility for all the world's problems in our hands, and runs counter to America's traditions as a republic.
By contrast, my national security policy reflects the best of our mainstream tradition. I believe the United States must exercise leadership by working with allies and partners to advance common interests, rather than advancing our power unilaterally.
Understanding North Korea
With all the attention on Iraq over the past year, it's important not to forget all of the other failed foreign policies of the Bush administration. This is a fascinating article about the political history -- and current disastrous relationship -- between the U.S. and Korea.
I was in Seoul when Koizumi's summit was announced, a day or two after John Bolton (the so-called 'Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control' in an Administration that has wrecked arms control) arrived to denounce Kim Jong Il personally and his regime more generally as evil, a menace to peace, the greatest security threat in the region etc. He did this again in the summer of 2003, as six-party talks on the North Korean problem were about to be held in Beijing. A brutal tyrant had North Korea in the grip of 'a hellish nightmare', he said, causing Armitage publicly to distance himself from Bolton's rhetoric. When a reporter from the Times asked Bolton what the Bush policy was towards the North, 'he strode over to a bookshelf, pulled off a volume and slapped it on the table. It was called The End of North Korea, and was by an American Enterprise Institute colleague. 'That,' he said, 'is our policy.''
Inventing Controversy
The latest attack on Dean has focused on his so-called "controversial" statement that capturing Saddam did not make America safer. Here's an interesting reply from Liberal Oasis:
The whole basis for opposing the war is the argument that Hussein did not pose an imminent threat to America.
If that's your view, why would -- why should -- that change with Hussein's capture?
Wouldn't Dean's opposition to the war be far shakier and far less sensible if he suddenly agreed that the main objective of the war bolstered American security, yet he still opposed the war?
Virtual New Year House Party
Americans overseas cannot hold their own house parties, but we have been invited to virtually attend a party in Arlington, VA, via webcast. Please consider donating to their site and tuning in on your home computer.
Click here to read the original thread about this idea.
On Dec 30, at 7:30PM, we'll gather at my pad in Arlington for a conference call with Governor Dean, and a celebration of 311 days to victory.
The goal is to raise $5000 at our humble house party, so please contribute what you can afford.
Click here to read the original thread about this idea.
Bush Grassroots?
The political climate is definitely changing. Just look at how much Dean's strategy has caught the attention of the Bush-Cheney machine. But with one critical difference: they still want to be top-down:
Mr. Bush's team, taking full advantage of its control of the Republican Party apparatus, has a more audacious goal: creating a seamless national political machine that subsumes existing state and local party operations and infuses them with new recruits, money, technology and discipline.
Bush campaign officials say they envision tens of thousands of volunteers, many armed with palmtop computers with access to a database of voters' names and the issues that move them, fanning out through just about every neighborhood in the country in the weeks leading up to Election Day.
Repairing the Damage
This interview is a great display of the kind of candidate Dean is. I think these excerpts are the most telling:
If the situation on the ground in Iraq stabilizes, isn't that bad news for your campaign?
Of course not. That would be good news for the Iraqi people and for the world. If Iraq is stabilized and does not blow up into an actual threat to our national security--and our troops can come home sooner rather than later--we will all be happy. My campaign isn't based on the outcome of the war in Iraq but on a hopeful and idealistic alternative to our current political reality--not as a protest against the Iraq war.
What would you do to restore relations with our allies?
If I win, I'm going to go, before I am inaugurated, on a world tour of the countries we desperately need to repair our relations with. And not just in Europe, but also in Asia and in Latin America. We're talking a little presumptuously here because the votes haven't been cast in one primary yet. But I've thought about this a lot.
Foreign Press
In this Kurtz piece on Trippi and Enright's relationship with Dean, a reference is made to the many foreign press agents who are trying to understand the Dean phenomenon. What a shame that the campaign doesn't have more time for them.
The cramped headquarters, with its coterie of dressed-down young staffers, feels like the sort of Internet start-up that Trippi once worked for in Silicon Valley. The senior advisers are so overwhelmed that Trippi has to keep changing his cell-phone number to limit press calls, and Enright and her tiny staff admit they cannot keep up with the hundreds of daily inquiries. And that doesn't even count the waves of foreign journalists the campaign has basically had to ignore.
Lost in Translation
I recently saw the film, Lost in Translation (2003) & cannot say enough good things about it. A must see for anyone who has spent time living overseas. Tagline: Everyone wants to be found. Plot Outline: Two Americans meet and spend a wonderful week in Tokyo.
An Overdue Thank You
I don't think we've taken the time to thank everyone who bothers to mention us when posting on the official Dean blog. It happens from time to time and always makes a positive difference in growing our community and helping people back home see that we are doing our part to take back America.
Click here to read a great post that an expat in Germany left, which mentions this site and shows her enthusiasm for the Dean campaign. If you have a minute, I encourage you to do the same. Let the campaign know you're watching, you're thinking, and you're acting.
Click here to read a great post that an expat in Germany left, which mentions this site and shows her enthusiasm for the Dean campaign. If you have a minute, I encourage you to do the same. Let the campaign know you're watching, you're thinking, and you're acting.
Switzerland update
According to a post on our Switzerland forum, there is going to be a fundraiser for Dr. Dean in Geneva. I hope they get a good turnout! If anyone can attend, be sure to check back with us so we can hear how it went.
If anyone else has Dean events happening in your area, feel free to let our community know about it. I expect we'll have more and more of these activities as we move closer to the official nomination.
If anyone else has Dean events happening in your area, feel free to let our community know about it. I expect we'll have more and more of these activities as we move closer to the official nomination.
Three Cheers for Disclaimers!
Amidst all the press about foreign websites encouraging donations to MoveOn.org, I wanted to make sure everyone saw this section of the CNS article which points out the excellent disclaimer that Dean04Worldwide has prominently displayed on the home page, a must-have for anyone running their own pro-Dean site:
In a disclaimer, the Dean04Worldwide website says it is not authorized by or affiliated with the Dean for America campaign, but is 'totally independent and free.'
The website urges 'all visitors and users...to observe FEC laws and CFR Regulations at all times...' It includes links to the official Dean website, Moveon.org, and the Federal Election Commission, among other websites.
In a 'Countries4Dean' section, the website urges readers to clickon the link 'corresponding to your country of residence below to find other Dean supporters near you, get organized beyond the Meetups, obtain the latest news from the Dean campaign, and make sure US expat [expatriate] votes count in 2004.'
Drudge Report has been kind enough to mention Dean2004 Worldwide and it's founder by name. "Dean04Worldwide.com is a noncommercial and volunteer website offered by Corinne Sinclair, a non-US citizen, based in London. Domain registration information indicates the website name servers are owned by PromoHosting.com, a website hosting service based in Portugal. Dean04Worldwide.com encourages non-Americans across the global to help Dean win the 2004 election." DRUDGE REPORT 2003
Kiss My Atlas
Check out this interactive electoral map & atlas. Just remember, all we need is to flip a few states -or in the case of Ohio just one. Considering how the state has voted in the past I have a good feeling we'll be sending ole Bush back to Texas this time next year.
How Saddam Affects Dean
I think the media is in love with Howard Dean. I do. In some cases it's clearly a love-hate emotion, but overall I get the strong sense that they still -- as ABC Note pointed out several months ago -- think he would be the most interesting candidate to cover for Election 2004.
William Saletan is no exception, as I believe is clear from this latest article countering the negative spin:
William Saletan is no exception, as I believe is clear from this latest article countering the negative spin:
I haven't seen such certainty about an incumbent party keeping the White House since September 2000, when I called George W. Bush 'toast.' I was overconfident then for the same reason others are overconfident now: We forget how quickly people forget. Problems, once solved, disappear. Voters take for granted what has been accomplished. Each success, initially framed by the president as an end in itself, is reframed by the challenger as a means to a further, unfulfilled end. Bush ought to know that this can be done to him in 2004. It's what he did to Al Gore in 2000.
Dean on Saddam's Capture
December 14, 2003
Dean for America Press Office (802) 651-3257
Statement by Governor Dean on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
WEST PALM BEACH - "This is a great day for the Iraqi people, the US, and the international community.
"Our troops are to be congratulated on carrying out this mission with the skill and dedication we have come to know of them.
"This development provides an enormous opportunity to set a new course and take the American label off the war. We must do everything possible to bring the UN, NATO, and other members of the international community back into this effort.
"Now that the dictator is captured, we must also accelerate the transition from occupation to full Iraqi sovereignty."
-- 30 --
December 14, 2003
Dean for America Press Office (802) 651-3257
Statement by Governor Dean on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
WEST PALM BEACH - "This is a great day for the Iraqi people, the US, and the international community.
"Our troops are to be congratulated on carrying out this mission with the skill and dedication we have come to know of them.
"This development provides an enormous opportunity to set a new course and take the American label off the war. We must do everything possible to bring the UN, NATO, and other members of the international community back into this effort.
"Now that the dictator is captured, we must also accelerate the transition from occupation to full Iraqi sovereignty."
-- 30 --
France, Germany, Canada...
...Switzerland, Sweden, Japan, Malaysia, China... Wherever you are, if you're an expat and want to meet other Dean supporters, be sure to check out our Expats for Dean forums. A few Americans have taken the first step and left an introduction there, so now it's your turn. Let's come together and make a real difference in American politics.
Decline of the Two-Party System
This is a very interesting article for all you closet economists and third party enthusiasts out there:
For all Dean's talk about wanting to represent the truly 'Democratic wing of the Democratic Party,' the paradox is that he is a third-party candidate using modern technology to achieve a takeover of the Democratic Party. Other candidates -- Joseph Lieberman , John Kerry, John Edwards -- are competing to take control of the party's fundraising, organizational and media assets. But Dean is not interested in taking control of those depreciating assets. He is creating his own party, his own lists, his own money, his own organization. What he wants is the Democratic brand name and legacy, its last remaining asset of value, as part of his marketing strategy. Perhaps that's why former vice president Al Gore's endorsement of Dean last week felt so strange -- less like the traditional benediction of a fellow member of the party 'club' than a senior executive welcoming the successful leveraged buyout specialist. And if Dean can do it this time around, so can others in future campaigns.
Absentee Voting
It's been awhile since we've dealt with this subject, but tis the season to be getting registered for the primaries. Most states require registration during the same calendar year as the elections in which you will vote, so get ready for a big push from your local Democrats Abroad starting January 1st.
If you have any questions about voting, be sure to check out the FAQ at the FVAP site. We have also provided a few general tips on the Expats for Dean forums.
If you have any questions about voting, be sure to check out the FAQ at the FVAP site. We have also provided a few general tips on the Expats for Dean forums.
Send Me an Angel
There has been for months now and endless stream of columns & talking heads saying "Just watch, Hilary will come in at the last minute". I think I've got it figured out. Both parties must excite their base in 2004. We all know this wishing for Dean from the GOP has been a reverse psych job. The only thing that has excited the GOP base in recent history, their 'sure thing' - has been the deep hate for all things Clinton. Rove's real dream date is Hilary & has been all along.
From Tokyo to Iowa
Another claim to fame for Tokyo! From a NY Times article about the events leading up to Gore's endorsement:
Al Gore was in Tokyo on Friday and Howard Dean was in a van in Iowa, and for 45 minutes, their cellphone conversation was not particularly extraordinary, people close to both politicians said.
Dr. Dean had sent Mr. Gore a draft of a foreign policy speech that Dr. Dean was to deliver next week in California, and Mr. Gore was calling with a few suggestions. Then, at the end of their chat, Mr. Gore dropped the bombshell: "I've decided I want to endorse you," he told Dr. Dean.
Another Win for Saudi Arabia
Here's the latest from Greg Palast, on the man who said he fixed Florida for George Bush:
All year the elves at his law firm, Baker Botts of Texas, have been working day and night to prevent the families of the victims of the 9/11 attack from seeking information from Saudi Arabia on the Kingdom's funding of Al Qaeda fronts.
It's tough work, but this week came the payoff when President Bush appointed Baker, the firm's senior partner, to restructure the debts of the nation of Iraq.
And who will net the big bucks under Jim Baker's plan? Answer: his client, Saudi Arabia, which claims $30.7 billion due from Iraq plus $12 billion in reparations from the First Gulf war.
Attention Guatemala!
Tracey Denton is looking to host a MeetUp in Antigua, Guatemala on Wednesday, January 7th. Please email her (hellskitchen4dean-at-earthlink.net) if you are interested.
Gone in 30 Seconds
While at bushout.tv I noticed the new MoveOn project, Bush in 30 Seconds. This is a contest to create a 30 second ad about Bush. Celebrity judges include Michael Moore, Donna Brazile, Jack Black, Janeane Garofalo, Margaret Cho and Gus Van Sant, Al Franken & more.
Are You An Outsider?
What do you think, does this journalist "get it"? Do his remarks describe you and the other Dean supporters you know? From an article entitled "Dean's Band of Outsiders":
Howard Dean's initial appeal has been to those Americans who always knew they were on the margins of George Bush's America. Not the socioeconomic margins, not the African American and Latino communities, but the political, cultural and existential margins -- the young, urban, white middle class in particular. Dean's are the people who were bowling alone -- not churchgoers, not union members. They shared a set of beliefs on which they'd never before had an opportunity to act collectively.
The secret of Dean's success has been twofold. Alone among the serious Democratic candidates he understood that the party was shirking its obligation to oppose -- indeed, that the grass roots was furious at the failure of its leaders to realize this. Second, his campaign became the real Meetup for millions of Americans who'd had no place to go to affect politics in the age of Bush. Dean's edge is that his campaign has provided thousands of young Deaniacs with a dimension of meaning that their hitherto disaggregated lives may have lacked. No other candidate is within light-years of offering that.
Al Gore endorses Howard Dean
I am still in shock, but the reality is starting to sink in. Al Gore has endorsed Howard Dean:
"'He was the only major candidate who made the correct judgment about the Iraq war,' Gore said. 'And he had the insight and the courage to say and do the right thing. And that's important because those judgments -- that basic common sense -- is what you want in a president.'
'Whether it is inspiring enthusiasm at the grassroots, and promising to remake the Democratic Party as a force for justice and progress and good in America, whether it is a domestic agenda that gets our nation back on track, or whether it is protecting us against terrorists and strengthening our nation in the world, I have come to the conclusion that one candidate clearly now stands out,' Gore said.
Tell It on the Mountain
Via Wired News, The Helloworld Project, a "global interactive experience" will project messages using a laserbeam onto a mountain overlooking Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, onto the UN building in New York City, onto the most prominent building in downtown Mumbai or onto a 140 metre tall water fountain in Geneva. What are you waiting for? Go tell the World about Howard Dean.
"Florida" by Dale Reynolds
I was first introduced to Howard Dean after being involved in a worldwide play reading of Lysistrata, to protest the Iraq invasion. As such, I am especially pleased to see that Dale Reynolds -- London correspondent for RadioLeft and active Dean supporter -- has been writing a play that details the events of the Florida election in 2000. Click here to read the first act of "Florida".
Muslims and Jews, Voting Together?
Is it possible that Muslims and Jews will vote for the same candidate next year? Or is Bush's pro-Israel stance going to win the hearts of the Jews who used to vote Democratic?
Here's what The Pakistani Newspaper had to say about it:
Here's what The Pakistani Newspaper had to say about it:
The Arab-American and the Pakistani communities which voted overwhelmingly for Bush in the last election, because it considered Al Gore too pro-Israel and was put off by his choice of an orthodox Jewish running mate, has now realised that it made a mistake. In the next election, both Arabs and Muslims are expected to vote for Democratic party candidate who, it is increasingly likely, is going to be Howard Dean. Some months ago, Dean triggered a storm of protest among America’s Jews when all he had said was that the United States should follow an “evenhanded policy” in the Middle East...
The chairman of Dean’s presidential campaign. Steve Grossman, is a Jew and a former president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful Jewish and Israeli lobbying organisation in America. Grossman has said, “Even if the Jewish elites aren’t supporting Dean, the grassroots has been passionate about Howard Dean, and many are Jews.”
According to pollster John Zogby, an Arab-American, the majority of Jews is with the Democratic party, as is the majority of Arabs.
And nothing but the truth
MoveOn.org has funded the film, "Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War". You can buy the DVD as well as get a copy from p2p networks. If you already have Shareaza or BitTorrent installed click here to download the a high quality version or here for a lower quality copy.
Audio: London Meetup
Thanks to Dale Reynolds from RadioLeft for pointing me to this excellent interview with London supporters, conducted at their meetup on November 5th.
Teflon-coated Dean
Amidst the controversy over Dean's sealed gubernatorial records, this USA Today article is a breath of fresh air. I especially love its allusion to Dean being "teflon-coated":
Dean seems in many ways to be the first Teflon-coated Democrat. Unable to make any charge stick, the other Democratic contenders and the press keep searching for that secret vulnerability. But there is no consistent theme to these challenges. One week Dean is portrayed as a dangerous left-winger who will lead the Democrats to McGovern-like defeat. The next week he is depicted as an insensitive Northerner who does not understand the hateful imagery embodied by the Confederate flag. The attacks are all over the ideological map, as critics can't decide whether Dean is a states-rights ally of the gun lobby or a kamikaze liberal.
Expats for Dean Forums
Believe it or not, there are Dean supporters living in your country who cannot make it to Meetup, nor to any of the other exciting events that may be happening in your area. That's why we created the Expats for Dean forums, so that we can have our own virtual space in which to discuss Dean issues and news, as well as strategize how we can take back our country.
Take a minute right now to leave a message in your country's forum; please also leave a message in the suggestions forum for how we can improve. Registration is not required but does allow you to use more of the forum's features.
Take a minute right now to leave a message in your country's forum; please also leave a message in the suggestions forum for how we can improve. Registration is not required but does allow you to use more of the forum's features.
Common Sense Pamphlet
If your meetup was like mine, you didn't receive the Common Sense pamphlet being shared at the U.S. meetings. Never fear, however, for they have graciously posted it online. Click here to read and sign it.
Bluedogs & Bulldogs
The LA Times has a look at how a centrist Gov. Dean made the gears move in Vermont for positive change.
"It was kind of scary, meeting those pale blue eyes of his," recalled McCormack, who favored the tax. "I remember him saying, 'Dick, for your sake, please don't underestimate my resolve on this subject.' "
Dean Ruled From the Fiscal Center in Vermont
"It was kind of scary, meeting those pale blue eyes of his," recalled McCormack, who favored the tax. "I remember him saying, 'Dick, for your sake, please don't underestimate my resolve on this subject.' "
Dean Ruled From the Fiscal Center in Vermont

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Expats4Dean is an independent grassroots effort in support of Gov. Howard Dean, M.D. for President in 2004. Expats4Dean is not affiliated with or endorsed by Dean for America.